Information page

Update code: 7013UX

1. How to update

If you are here, you may have been redirected from a old Tryppwa website.

If you are on the PWA, open this website in your browser:

Tryppwa is now TrypApp, so you may need to update. To do that, open the app and click the tree dots. Click "Uninstall". Now, the app should be uninstalled.

Then, go to this website and install the PWA. Done! The PWA has been updated.

2. Why update? Is this required?

It is recommended to update the Tryppwa, and it's also required because the support has been shut down for Tryppwa.

The new TrypApp is completely new and with a new design, so why not update?

3. Why there is a new update?

The simplest way to change the PWA design was to create a update, so we launched this one

4. New features

We've created a Intro and App Settings page, that's available on the shortcuts menu.

Tip: How to open the shortcuts menu
After installing the app, right-click the Trype icon. You will find, bellow "Tasks", the shortcuts that you can use. To open a task, click the shortcut name. The shortcut should open in a new window.